Contact Us

You can contact us by email at Our services are provided initially through telemedicine. Then In-person referral is available as needed. New patients simply click on the link to start a new account. Next, sign in and complete your medical history, your payment information, and tell us what is bothering you. Then you are ready to schedule a visit. Select a provider in your area or any provider you prefer. Then select at date and time for your visit.

Returning patients simply log-in, update your chief complaint, medical history and medications as needed. Then select a date and time for your visit.

Initial visits are $125 with follow-up visits $99.

Click on the link to schedule an appointment or see a provider now if available.

Yes, please send me ongoing tips and announcements about your free videos, teleseminars and articles on various topics to relieve pain from your back, neck, knee, shoulder and other joints.